Friday, December 2, 2011

What's the opposite of "diplomatic"?

I suppose...I must be super non-threatening that Celao feels comfortable committing... pronunciation errors.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Not for the faint of stomach

No, this doesn't happen every Thanksgiving...maybe 2 out of 3 times? And we've never had an incident where the mystery meat cause illness.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


While waiting for dinner tonight...
The world according to Tevan is absolutely delightful!

Locked in my own perspective...

Once I got past my self-pity trip, I have to admit that yes she was darn cute, my pretty Sophie-bee, all autumn incarnation!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Edible dissonance

Marcelo and I saw a bumper sticker the other day. There were super cute chibis of a cow, sheep, chicken and pig topped off with a scolding "DO YOU REALLY EAT THESE?"  I answered without thinking "All of the above" and Marcelo chuckled.
It reminded me of when I was a kid and I'd get attached to the animals on the ranch who often turned into food for our family. I struggled a little with some cognitive (or culinary?) dissonance ...but somehow quickly got over it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Literary tragedy

This tragedy is seconded only by the time baby Tevan took several bites out of "Women Who Run With the Wolves"--not only where there teeth marks but quite a few of the pages pulped together, so there are parts of the book that are just no longer readable. *sad sigh*

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Vegetarian sympathies

...and Harmonydawn thinks I've got good deadpan delivery.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Reimbursement for services rendered

It's been fading for a while now but there was a time when getting mentioned on Facebook was a greater prize than, say, a date to a movie.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Keep away

It was inevitable: I'd kinda been dying to toss Catherine's head around ever since I realized it wasn't attached. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Henry and self responsibility...

Henry was particularly awesome at taking responsibility for his own actions.  Rock it, Henry!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The other day, Becky asked...

Side note: I'm eagerly waiting for Becky to dye her hair again so she can match her chibi.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Words to describe my feelings around death...

This came up in a conversation with my mom in August.  I struggled with my words and this is what came out.  A friend said that he felt like calling Ines to tell her about this great woman he knew who had just died...then he remembered that it was her.  Everyday, I have things running through my head that I'd like to bring up in conversation with her and get her opinion, but she's gone.  I'm grateful to have known Ines and to have had her for my comadre.

Oh, and the popsicles: that was the last thing we did together.  She brought over papaya popsicles and we enjoyed each other's company the night she left for a road trip.  I never had papaya ice cream before, but it has become a regular tradition around here since. *smile*

Comadre Ines

I shouldn't have waited so long to chibi Ines.  Taking a leap in incorporating her into the comics, I don't wish to offend anyone.  I think this is my way of trying to communicate my love to her and it's another way to keep her alive for me.  So, here's my initial quick drawing of her chibi, with much love:

Ines Marques da Silva
March 12, 1977 - June 24, 2011
Godmother of Estevan and Sophie

Friday, August 26, 2011

No good idea shall go unpunished...

Well, that's insightful (referring to Henry VII).

I read Wolsey's quote in an Alison Weir book and I had five light bulbs go off in my head...and then I short circuited.  "No good idea shall go unpunished" is something I hear my dad say (quoted frequently at staff meetings at work) and could almost have been tailored for Wolsey.  Lovely.

Hmm, what else: many thanks to young Sophia who was kind enough to let me get this idea on paper this morning.  It was a noisy struggle on her part but deep down I know she's super supportive of my divided attention.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Spice gauge dissonance

Conche and I don't see eye to eye on our spice gauges.  What for him is a 1/10 is a 7/10 for me.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Motivational speakers

It was that or the 109th viewing of "Cars" or the 32nd viewing of "Madagascar" or the 19th viewing of "Avatar."  Needless to say, between the two of us, we got the boy to go out for the night.  Welcome medicine, I think.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The best part of my day today...or pretty darn close!

Good therapy: conversing with Harmonydawn.  Sometimes it's like getting the bestest prize ever from the bottom of the cereal box.  Or like that one fortune cookie that summed up your life in a nut shell.  But if nothing else, she got me to laugh when I least expected it today. *giddy-smile*

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sketches at Oak St.

Kids took me on a walk today and gave me five minutes of art-time.  Haven't sat and just sketched in a while.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

All Done Bugs

*Note to self: regularly check the dollhouse to see what Sophie has stashed away.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I haven't not been drawing and busy and stuff...

Although they are rough, sometimes the drawings seem much cuter in their unfinished forms, and maybe it's pencil vs. ink.  At any rate, a  few sketches for an upcoming Guerrilla Toons.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Ever After" sketch for magnetic paper doll

A project I've had in mind for a while and might bring up from the back burner.
Hmmm, decisions, decisions...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Parental inspriation

I would like to thank my dad for creative encouragement and for helping with finding an appropriate title. *smile*

Introducing: 'The Obscure Afterlife of the Tudors'

Since I started working on the comics, I've gradually found myself thinking in chibis. They populate more and more of my mind, taking over the mental imagery.

And enter the Tudors, a Welch upstart family that took over the English throne for a century plus and threw their dramatic weight around. I found myself wondering how the different family members would relate to one another after death, how their grievances would play out, how they would interact without the pressures and traumas of their actual lives. I've also wondered at the nature of afterlife in general, of course, and I think that one form of afterlife exists as the imagination of the living, "living on in the memories," "living on in the pages of history books," etc, etc. This is my obscure take on the afterlives of the Tudors.

Before I knew it history was cohabitating with my imagination, and here, most humbly…er, no, somewhat humbly, I present the resulting love child.

Urgent disclaimer: I suppose, since I am of a semi-modern 21st century mind imagining all of this, my own vocabulary has seeped into their conversations. What I guess I'm trying to say is: don't be expecting me to adhere to the language of their times; they took up residency in my head, so they get to speak with my vocabulary, limited and vulgar as it is (my inner Eleanor is reeling at the thought). I'm fairly disgusted by liberal licence taken to fictionalize history for the entertainment of the current masses...but that doesn't stop me from hypocritically taking licence myself. Wow, it's refreshing to admit to hypocrisy. *deep breath* Okay, then, on with the show!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dora and Eurico drafts

Dora and Eurico from "O Auto Da Compadecida" (a Brazilian miniseries which you can read about here:

This was done as a test for a request from Marcelo for a bumper sticker with the characters. I'll keep plugging away at it--feeling much better about tackling it these days (*mumble mumble* something about greater self-confidence...).

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lull in productivity...

In a serious funk...though, obviously, not too serious as to not post something, but in a funk nonetheless. No ganas to even crack open the box of markers. Sad day.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eleanor's Current RPM: 42

Eleanor's children send her spinning in her grave. Again. They were such decent, upstanding children, but oh my, see how low they have fallen--roller derby! And who could have foreseen that Nina would be such a bad influence?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Being Specific

From two consecutive conversations with Mama Jeanne and then Alicia--thank you, ladies.

We got a "dusting" (Becky is rolling her eyes and is detailing why 2.67 inches is not a dusting), recently, but nothing major. Universe, we I would like major. Snow. Now. Sometime within the next three months but not after April 1st. With no casualties and the minimum of fender benders. Danke.
P.S. yes, Carl can get his determined self out of the ranch in just about anything under 3 ft. of snow. Determined, I tell you!