Friday, December 31, 2010


What I mean to say by this is: thank god Christmas is over and we are headed into a new year. And I mean this in the most kindly-yet-glazed-over-still-recovering-from-Christmas sort of way.

Before this year closes, I want to thank my friends and family for their support and patience--very important since I've been a complete dingbat since I started the comic some three hundred and fifty something days ago. Special thanks to Celao for his particular close-to-home patience; Carl who offered me a monthly gig for extra practice; Alicia for technical advice and a life preserver in the sequential doldrums; Eliaz for helping me handle the multiple personality disorder known as Photoshop; and the lovely Harmonydawn for being my best friend and dispensing kick ass, sage spiritual advice and the best hugs ever.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Family photo time

Hey, it's December, aka: family photo time. Takes some organizational skills. Good thing Marcelo wants that job...

Oh, no. Wait, wait, wait. We can't use this for the Christmas card. One more time, guys, and smile this time, dang it!

Aw! That's better. Thanks guys!