Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eleanor's Current RPM: 42

Eleanor's children send her spinning in her grave. Again. They were such decent, upstanding children, but oh my, see how low they have fallen--roller derby! And who could have foreseen that Nina would be such a bad influence?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Being Specific

From two consecutive conversations with Mama Jeanne and then Alicia--thank you, ladies.

We got a "dusting" (Becky is rolling her eyes and is detailing why 2.67 inches is not a dusting), recently, but nothing major. Universe, we I would like major. Snow. Now. Sometime within the next three months but not after April 1st. With no casualties and the minimum of fender benders. Danke.
P.S. yes, Carl can get his determined self out of the ranch in just about anything under 3 ft. of snow. Determined, I tell you!