Thursday, September 29, 2011

The other day, Becky asked...

Side note: I'm eagerly waiting for Becky to dye her hair again so she can match her chibi.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Words to describe my feelings around death...

This came up in a conversation with my mom in August.  I struggled with my words and this is what came out.  A friend said that he felt like calling Ines to tell her about this great woman he knew who had just died...then he remembered that it was her.  Everyday, I have things running through my head that I'd like to bring up in conversation with her and get her opinion, but she's gone.  I'm grateful to have known Ines and to have had her for my comadre.

Oh, and the popsicles: that was the last thing we did together.  She brought over papaya popsicles and we enjoyed each other's company the night she left for a road trip.  I never had papaya ice cream before, but it has become a regular tradition around here since. *smile*

Comadre Ines

I shouldn't have waited so long to chibi Ines.  Taking a leap in incorporating her into the comics, I don't wish to offend anyone.  I think this is my way of trying to communicate my love to her and it's another way to keep her alive for me.  So, here's my initial quick drawing of her chibi, with much love:

Ines Marques da Silva
March 12, 1977 - June 24, 2011
Godmother of Estevan and Sophie